Creativity: Nature vs. nurture — What makes a great creator?

Key points:

  • Nature vs. nurture: Is creativity innate or developed?
  • Creators vs. influencers: Different strengths in digital content.
  • Evolving creativity: Cannes Lions’ shift from traditional ads to tech-driven strategies.

Ever wondered what really fuels creativity? Is it something you’re born with, or can it be learned, taught and developed? This age-old debate is more relevant than ever, especially in the fast-paced world of digital content. At SCREENSHOT Media, we’re diving into this question just in time for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2024. Let’s break it down and see where we stand on what makes a great creator.

Born to create? The nature argument

Some people just have it, right? That natural flair for creating content that makes you stop scrolling and pay attention. Think of those creators who seem to have been born with a camera in hand, turning every moment into a masterpiece. These natural-born creators often grew up in environments that encouraged exploration and creativity. They might have attended schools that emphasised arts and free-thinking, or had families that supported their creative endeavours. This nurturing environment can be the perfect breeding ground for innate talent to flourish, making it seem like creativity is second nature to them.

But let’s not romanticise too much. Even the most naturally gifted creators face challenges. They need to constantly evolve, stay inspired, and keep up with the latest trends. The raw talent is a fantastic starting point, but it’s their ongoing effort to refine their skills and adapt to new platforms that truly sets them apart.

Built to create? The nurture argument

But what if creativity isn’t just about natural talent? Enter the world of nurture. With today’s tech tools, anyone can become a creator. Your environment, experiences, and the digital platforms at your disposal play a massive role. Plenty of creators have built loyal followings not necessarily because they were born with an artistic gift, but because they’ve honed their skills, used the right tools, and learned to create content that speaks to their audience.

The digital age has democratised content creation. Affordable technology and accessible platforms mean that anyone with a passion and dedication can become a creator. These nurtured creators often have a unique advantage: they understand their audience deeply because they are part of it. They use insights and data to craft content that resonates, proving that hard work and strategic thinking can be just as powerful as natural talent.

Creators vs. influencers: What’s the difference?

It’s also essential to distinguish between content creators and influencers. Content creators are artists who focus on producing high-quality content, whether it’s videos, audio, photos, or articles. Their primary goal is to create something valuable and engaging. Influencers, on the other hand, are known for their ability to sway their audience’s opinions and behaviours. While they also create content, their main strength lies in their influence over their followers.

Both roles require creativity, but the nature vs. nurture debate plays out differently for each. Content creators might lean more heavily on natural talent and artistic vision, while influencers might rely more on their ability to connect with their audience and utilise data to maximise their impact. At SCREENSHOT Media, we work with both creators and influencers, recognising the unique strengths each brings to the table.

Cannes Lions: a festival evolving with creativity

Cannes Lions started as a place to celebrate traditional ad excellence. But just like our industry, it has evolved. Now, it’s a melting pot of tech innovators, data wizards, and digital storytellers. The festival shows how creativity has shifted from just being about raw talent to also being about how well you can use the tools at your disposal. It’s no longer just about who you are, but also what you can do with what you’ve got.

The evolution of Cannes Lions reflects the broader changes in the creative industry. What began as a celebration of classic advertising techniques has transformed into an event that highlights the fusion of creativity and technology. Early years saw traditional ad agencies dominate the scene, while recent years have seen tech companies and data-driven insights take centre stage. This shift underscores the growing importance of nurturing creativity through technological advancements and innovative thinking.

Where we stand

At SCREENSHOT Media, we think it’s a mix of both. Authenticity is everything, whether you’re a natural-born creator or someone who’s learned the ropes. We believe the best content comes from blending raw talent with the right technology. Our work with micro and nano creators proves that you don’t need a massive following to make a massive impact. It’s about connecting with your audience on a real level.

Our approach is all about leveraging data-led insights to understand what makes our audience tick. By combining these insights with authentic storytelling, we create content that not only captures attention but also drives meaningful engagement. We’ve seen firsthand how nurturing creativity with the right tools and strategies can turn even the smallest voices into powerful influencers. It’s this blend of nature and nurture that defines our success.

So, what’s the verdict?

Nature gives you the spark, but nurture fans the flame. The digital age has made it easier than ever to develop and showcase creativity, no matter where you start. As we head to Cannes Lions 2024, we’re excited to see how the festival continues to celebrate this blend of natural talent and nurtured skill.

The takeaway? Whether you’re a natural-born creator or someone who’s worked hard to develop your craft, keep pushing the boundaries. Embrace the tools and platforms available to you, and never stop learning and growing. Creativity is a journey, and the possibilities are endless when you combine innate talent with the right nurturing environment.

Catch you in Cannes!


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